Skills-First Navigator

Get the Insights to Advance Talent & DEI Best Practices

Our comprehensive  Skills-First NavigatorTM (SFN) tool helps companies assess their maturity in adopting inclusive talent practices. As the largest source of research-based DEI talent practices, the SFN identifies strengths and opportunities, and provides a roadmap for employers looking to build more equitable and inclusive organizations.

Benchmark the state of your talent and DEI efforts and begin accelerating your work to build a more just workforce.  

See What Our Clients Are Saying

“It was somewhat sobering, actually. It seems to have been quite easy to convince myself we were doing more than we actually are. This was an aha moment, and now that I have the data, I can leverage this information in talking to my executive and changing the company.”

Head of DEI Initiatives
National Services Franchise

“By the end of the exercise, I came to see that the tool was not just a diagnostic but truly an opportunity identifier because every one of our businesses walked away from the exercise with ideas and inspiration for
how they can get better.”

Vice President of Talent Development
Roper Technologies

What We Offer

Through consulting services, we ensure that employers are
prepared to hire, retain and advance diverse talent.